A MUM has credited a Runcorn Slimming World group with saving her life after a huge 15-and-a-half stone weight loss success.

When property solicitor Amanda Hetherington realised during the pandemic that her weight put her at severe risk from Covid, she knew she had to leave the fad diets behind and make a lasting change.

Weighing over 29 stone, the mum-of-one said that as soon as she found out that she was in the high-risk category because of her weight, she felt like she had to do something.

“I joined the Slimming World group during Covid when I saw those oxygen machines on the news. That was it for me,” she explained.

“I thought this is serious, I’m too young, I can’t die yet. My thoughts went to my family too, as I knew if I did pass away, I wouldn’t fit in a standard-size coffin.”

Before joining Slimming World, she used to scroll through social media to see who had lost the most weight in the shortest time, and that would be the diet she would follow.

“I tried every diet under the sun including total food replacement diets which were so restrictive and extreme that I’d always cave in after a couple of days,” she said.

“I would then be back to square one and feel so upset with myself for failing. That sense of failure would lead me to comfort eat – a vicious cycle I did not think I would ever break free from.

“I was so tired of yo-yo dieting and not being able to stick to anything. I remember when my husband Gary and I went to see Michael Bublé in concert.

“Instead of going for a lovely meal beforehand, I had a meal replacement shake in our hotel room and Gary went out to buy a meal deal sandwich.”

Amanda Hetherington has lost an astonishing 15-and-a-half stoneAmanda Hetherington has lost an astonishing 15-and-a-half stone (Image: Slimming World)

Amanda says with Slimming World’s healthy eating plan, her relationship with food has completely changed, making healthier versions of all of her favourite foods.

“It is incredible to think back to those times looking at me now. I love I have lost weight eating healthy everyday food that my family can enjoy too,” she commented.

“I was committed to making a lasting change which meant changing my mindset. With support from my group, I began building healthy new habits into my daily life. 

“I have gone from a size 36 to a size 12. I am so much more confident and I no longer have panic attacks about my health. I am never hungry.

“My Slimming World consultant Ruth helped keep me motivated each week and supported me throughout my journey.

“Each week, I get a boost of motivation, fresh ideas and support from Ruth and the other members which helped me to tackle challenges and kept my commitment strong.”

She added that ditching fad diets was the best decision she has ever made, with the habits the group has helped her to embed are now a way of life for her.

Ruth Newall, Amanda’s consultant who runs the Runcorn Slimming World group, added: “Amanda's story is one that many of us can relate to.

“Before joining my group, she had told us that, like so many of us, she had tried every fad diet and quick fix under the sun, only to be left feeling hungry and disheartened.

“Seeing Amanda lose 15-and-a-half stone while enjoying meals that she loves which keep her full and satisfied is truly inspiring.

“I am incredibly proud of her journey – it is exactly why I became a Slimming World Consultant, to support members like Amanda in making lasting, positive changes.”