A HARASSER has been sparred an immediate jail term after disclosing a private sexual photograph of a woman.

Danny Elder also sent her unwanted messages, and some of a threatening nature to a male victim, leaving him feeling distressed and anxious.

The 43-year-old, of Widnes, was charged with disclosing a private sexual photograph with intent to cause distress, sending a threatening message and two counts of harassment without violence.

He pleaded guilty at a previous hearing at Warrington Magistrates’ Court, with the defendant appearing back in court recently to be sentenced.

Nicola Parr, appearing on behalf of the prosecution, explained how the harassment occurred between mid-December last year and mid-January this year.

Elder repeatedly sent the victim unwanted electronic communications in Widnes to the female victim.

He also disclosed a private sexual photograph without her consent, with the intention of causing her distress.

In addition, the defendant sent a man multiple messages via social media of a distressing nature, including a voice note on Facebook Messenger which conveyed a threat, with the purpose of causing distress or anxiety.

Deputy district judge Moran highlighted that the severity of the offending merited a custodial sentence.

However, taking the defendant’s guilty plea into account, and a determination that he is a realistic prospect for rehabilitation, this was not made to be immediate.

Elder, of Upton Grange in Widnes, was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison suspended for 18 months.

He must also complete 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days and pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 and a statutory victim surcharge of £154, both of which will be deducted from his benefits.

Moreover, the court imposed a two-year restraining order prohibiting him from contacting the female victim or entering two named locations.