THE Mayor and Mayoress of Halton are raising vital funds to help bridge the gap in educational opportunities for talented young people.

Determined to make their mayoral year count, Cllr Kevan Wainwright and his wife, Andrea Newton, are aiming to reduce the disparities in opportunities faced by young people

“Left behind neighbourhoods are areas struggling with severe deprivation, which have some of the worst social and economic outcomes in the country,” said Kevan.

“In Halton, we have eight communities which were described as left behind. The opportunities available to children growing up in these areas are worlds apart from those just 25 miles away in Prestbury, Wilmslow or Alderley Edge.

“Our mission is to bridge that gap and ensure that all young people, regardless of where they come from, can achieve their aspirations.”

To achieve this, a fundraising programme has been set up within Halton Foundation and will be managed by Community Foundations for Lancashire and Merseyside, an independent charity.

Bursaries will be given to prospective students and apprentices to help pay costs associated with their education.

“For many teenagers in our left behind neighbourhoods, living in a household where no one is employed or has any qualifications is an unfortunate reality,” said Andrea.

“We want to interrupt that pattern by providing bursaries for young people who have potential, but life circumstances are a barrier.

“We cannot continue to let talent go to waste because a teenager doesn’t have the bus fare for college, can’t afford tech or text books for Uni, or money to buy personal protective equipment to start a construction apprenticeship.

“There are so many stories we have heard since taking on our roles in May, which have inspired us to keep pushing on.”

The programme will also hold a personal development conference for women in the workplace called Actually, She Can.

On February 27, the conference will take place at The Heath Business and Technical Park and feature 12 female speakers, authors, and coaches, as well as eight interactive workshops.

“Our hope is that this charitable event will raise £25,000, which could significantly affect the lives of 50 young girls who currently have one too many hurdles to overcome,” said Andrea.

“We welcome interest and support from any businesses who wish to get involved and help us make a difference to the future female talent in our community.

“Our goal is to create a bright and positive future for the next generation in Halton Borough. If we can improve even one child’s life, then all our efforts will have been worthwhile.”

For more information about the conference, visit