A WOMAN has been fined for making too much noise on her birthday.

Sarah Janion, of The Glen in Runcorn, will have to pay £141 to the courts after admitting to threatening and abusive behaviour.

At Warrington Magistrates' Court on Wednesday, Gloria McGinlay, prosecuting, explained how on the night of July 31, the defendant was playing loud music at her home address.

At around 1am on August 1, she was reported to be shouting and swearing in the street, with this ‘antisocial behaviour’ continuing for a number of hours.

However, speaking in the dock, Janion claimed she never left her property.

This incident happened while she was serving an eight-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months, handed to her on August 28, 2023, for assaulting an emergency worker.

Peter Green, defending, said the latest offence occurred on Janion’s birthday, when she was celebrating on her own by having a takeaway.

He added that there was a ‘degree of provocation’ from neighbours, including banging on the walls.

Mr Green said: “She has had some real difficulties in her life as of late.

“She was a prosecution witness in a matter of some sensitivity and recently found out she is pregnant with twins.

“Life has been quite difficult for her in general. It would not be just to activate the suspended sentence.”

The suspended sentence order was due to end on the day of the sentencing hearing, and as such, magistrates opted not to activate the sentence.

“We do not believe it is in the interest of justice to do so,” they said.

Instead, Janion was fined £40 and ordered to pay a further £101 in costs and surcharges.

A visibly upset Janion said: “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean it.”