YOUNGSTERS at Wade Deacon High School in Widnes celebrated another year of strong results as students in the Class of 2024 received their GCSE grades.

With GCSE results this year expected to fall across the country as grading returns to 2019 levels, despite this turbulence, students at Wade Deacon have achieved excellent outcomes across the curriculum.

81 per cent of students achieved a Grade 4 (equivalent to a C) or above in English, while 71 per cent of students achieved a Grade 4 or above in Maths. In addition to this, the outcomes have showcased the breadth of the curriculum with students on average achieving almost a full grade above the national average in Separate Sciences, Drama, Religious Studies, Computer Science and PE. 

In total, almost three-quarters of all entries were awarded a Grade 4 or higher, with almost 50 students achieving at least one top grade.

(Image: Celebrations at Wade Deacon)

A number of students achieved exceptional results with 136 top-level Grade 9s awarded in all.

Twenty two students achieved a full set of results at Grade 7 and above. 

Head of school Matthew Deeney said; "I am delighted with this year's excellent GCSE results and how successful our students have been.

"It has been a difficult journey for these students, having missed out on the majority of Year 7 and some of Year 8 due to the pandemic.

"Despite the challenges of missing out on that transition from primary school, they have worked extremely hard to achieve their goals, showing great resilience and determination along the way.

"Today is an opportunity to celebrate their successes as well as the work of all of our staff to guide and support our students to achieve at the highest levels. I would also like to extend a huge thank you to the families who have supported both the school and their children along the journey of achieving these successes.”