A MAN from Widnes disclosed sexual images of an ex-partner to another man, who he believed was dating her, and threatened to find and assault him.

Danny Elder, of Upton Grange in Widnes, appeared in Warrington Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to four charges, including disclosing private sexual photographs.

Prosecuting, Ms Parr told the court that the 42-year-old was previously in a relationship with one of the complainants, and after the relationship ended Elder went on to harass her and another male.

The court heard that he believed the male complainant was in a relationship with his ex-partner, and used a fake Facebook profile to message him.

Between December and January, Elder harassed both his ex and the male complainant by sending threatening messages and voice notes.

On January 7, Elder messaged the male complainant through the fake profile and sent him a sexually explicit picture of his ex-partner.

The court heard that he then went on to call the complainant a ‘f*****g rat’ and threatened to assault him.

“He said ‘I have been thinking about driving in the town centre to find you, but I don’t know where you are,” said Ms Parr.

Elder also messaged other men on social media warning them to stop liking his ex’s pictures and would wait outside her work and home.

A victim impact statement from his ex-partner was read out to the court, which stated that she is now ‘living with fear’ and suffers with nightmares.

Defending, Gary Schooler told the court that Elder ‘really has expressed remorse’ for his behaviour and that, due to being diagnosed with autism, he struggles to understand empathy and conversations.

“He is someone who, if worked with, is unlikely to repeat this in the future,” he said.

“It’s clearly been a long drawn-out case but he did the right thing by pleading guilty at the first opportunity.

“He is willing to work with the probation services.”

During sentencing remarks, district Judge Moran granted a restraining order, during which Elder must not enter Blackpool or Lytham St Anne’s for two years.

“Even with the conversation issues and emotional difficulties, you know that this conduct was utterly unacceptable,” she said.

“Sending sexual images will always be dealt with the utmost seriousness.”

Elder, who has no previous convictions, was sentenced to 12 weeks imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, and must complete 25 rehabilitation activity days.