HAVE you ever wondered where the most expensive and cheapest streets to live in Widnes are?

Well, you’re in luck, because data provided by fast sales company Property Solvers has revealed both.

Property Solvers tracked average sold price data from HM Land Registry since 2019 to see where the highest and lowest-priced homes are located across the town.

The priciest street in Widnes was found to be Birchfield Road.

Three homes sold under the WA8 9ER postcode for an average of £571,666 in the last five years.

Coming in as the second most expensive street to own a house in the town is Lunts Heath Road.

Here, four homes under the WA8 5BB postcode sold for an average of £532,500.

Meanwhile, Stone Cross Drive was named the third most expensive street, with three homes being sold at an average price of £501,666 under the WA8 9DL postcode.

But moving towards the opposite end of the spectrum, the data revealed the streets in Widnes with the cheapest house prices based on previous house sales.

The first and least expensive street is Darlington Court.

Six homes were sold during the last five years at an average price of £56,166 within the WA8 7ST postcode.

The second cheapest street in Widnes was named as Hurst Street.

From 2019, three homes in the WA8 0EF postcode sold for an average of £64,333.

And lastly, the third cheapest street was found to be Mersey Road.

A total of five homes were purchased during the last five years for an average price of £73,490.

The average house price of homes in Widnes in 1995 was £51,729.

A decade on in 2005 there was a huge increase to an average of £135,178. However, in 2015 the increase in house prices moved only marginally in comparison to £146,767.

And as of this year, the current average house price in the town is £198,958.

To find out more or view the information in full, click here.