Plans have been submitted for a housing scheme in Daresbury which is set to contain 'affordable' properties.

Castle Green Homes has put forward an application to Halton Borough Council for a development on land off Breretons Lane. Outline permission for a wider development off Red Brow Lane had already been granted, but the latest submission features specific details about one new aspect of the scheme.

It features 11 homes, including seven affordable properties with associated road infrastructure and landscaping.  The term 'affordable' is a government definition and can include social rented, affordable rented homes or properties sold at a discounted market rate.

Once built, planning documents said the affordable homes would be transferred to a management company and allocated to residents from their respective housing register who meet the relevant eligibility criteria managed on behalf of Halton Borough Council.

A covering letter said the proposed housing mix would 'further contribute' to addressing housing needs in Halton, including the delivery of three bedroom homes for open market sale, and two and three bedroom homes for affordable housing.

It said: "Proposed properties have been oriented to present the street and provide active frontage. Access is provided either directly off the adoptable carriageway or shared private drives and sited appropriately to ensure a simple block structure and build line consistent with the approved parcel B1 scheme adjacent."

It added: “A range of parking solutions are proposed including front drive parking with integral garages and side parking, minimising the presence of cars and avoiding a car dominated street scene."

The first residents moved into Castle Green’s Bridgewater View development in the summer, with house prices starting at £339,995. The wider scheme could eventually see more than 350 homes built across 31 acres of land

The letter said properties would have front gardens with a combination of trees, hedgerow and ornamental planting.

It added: “Properties will also be located within walking distance of areas of public open space provided as part of the wider Daresbury Park scheme suitable for play and recreation, including equipped play. Open spaces cab be accessed on foot via the network of pedestrian footpaths within the site. Boundary treatments and hard surfacing is consistent with details approved on earlier consented schemes."