A WIDNES teenager is a step closer to a once in a lifetime trip to Africa.

A donation from Redrow means Maggie Coffey is closer to hitting her fundraising goal.

The 15-year-old who attends Ormiston Chadwick Academy is aiming to raise more than £4000 to pay for her four-week expedition to Kenya that is organised via Camp International.

Due to be departing in July next year, Maggie and a group of 16 school friends will fly to East Africa to live and work alongside local people and get involved in a range of sustainable projects, from community development to environmental conservation.

Maggie said: “Camp International came into our school to talk to us about their expeditions and I knew it was something I wanted to do straight away. I love the idea of seeing the world and helping people and learning about different cultures. As well as working on community projects, we’ll also go on a mountain trek and a safari. It’s a once in a lifetime trip and I’m so appreciative of Redrow who have given me £1000 towards the cost.”

As well as fundraising individually, the pupils have done some group fundraising including a family fun day and a bingo night.

Sales director at Redrow NW, Anna Evans-Kerr, said: “The donation to Maggie’s expedition has come from our community fund that’s linked to Daresbury Garden Village. This trip will be life-changing for Maggie and something she will remember for the rest of her life which is why we wanted to help.”

Nine community groups have shared the £6,000 fund linked to Redrow’s Daresbury Garden Village including Symphony Morris Dancing, Moore Rugby Club and the Hatton Hall Horse Show.