A PERFORMING arts teacher who was a ‘force of nature’ will ‘never be forgotten’ as her friend pays tribute to her.

Jacqueline Pilton, who was born in Blackpool, moved to Widnes in the 1970s and cemented herself as a key figure in the performing community.

She became a teacher at Halton College, where she taught drama to a huge number of students, and created her own theatre company, Concrete Theatre, outside of work.

“She was a very colourful force and how I remember her is storming own corridors with colourful skirts flowing and scarves flapping and this powerful booming voice – which is just incredible when you’re in your teens to meet someone like that,” said Louise Nulty, one of Jacqueline’s former students.

“She was such an inspiration for lots of young students that were training in drama or liberal arts at Halton.

“She was a very strong presence, very bold and flamboyant and extremely creative.

Jacqueline was part of many productions at The BrindleyJacqueline was part of many productions at The Brindley (Image: Supplied)

In 1992, Jacqueline moved to London to pursue her acting career professionally, before moving back to Widnes in 2004.

When she returned, Jacqueline became a Junior Youth Theatre Facilitator at The Brindley Theatre, where she reconnected with Louise, who also worked there.

“Over the years we’d stayed in touch a little bit,” said Louise.

“From 2004 onwards our friendship was sealed, and we performed together and produced many theatre productions.

“Being able to perform with her was just incredible.”

The friends often went to see productions together, dissecting what they did and didn’t like about it on the journey home.

Louise describes Jacqueline as a 'force of nature'Louise describes Jacqueline as a 'force of nature' (Image: Supplied)

Jacqueline died aged 77 on May 8, and her funeral was held on Monday, June 24 at Birches Crematorium, near Northwich, where she lived later in life.

Louise explained that being Jacqueline’s friend is something she will treasure forever, and that her presence will have a lasting impact on all that knew her.

“Every moment with her was incredible and no matter what mood, no matter what you were feeling, you knew you were alive, and you knew you had a great friend beside you,” she said.

“She was an amazing person and I think anyone that met her would never forget her.

“She was a force of nature.”