A WOMAN kicked a police officer in the groin in her prison cell and laughed as he fell to the floor, shouting ‘is that all you’ve got’.

 Stacey Stewart, 34, was seen lunging towards youths with her fists clenched on a road outside The Ferry Boat Wetherspoons in Runcorn when she was stopped by a member of the public.

The man in question had heard a commotion near to his flat on Church Street at around 8pm on September 8, 2023.

He had come out to see the defendant, who was drunk at the time, ‘attacking’ a group of people with her fists curled up threateningly in a ball.

The man tried stop the defendant from attacking the individuals, but was assaulted and pushed to the ground where he suffered a rushing pain to his back.

Prosecuting, Robert Earl, told Warrington Magistrates Court on Tuesday that police were called and arrived on scene outside the bar shortly after, where they arrested Stewart.

After being restrained, it was heard the defendant began shouting and screaming at one police officer before managing to release one of her hands from the hand cuffs.

She was taken to Runcorn Police Station and continued her violent rampage.

Mr Earl said: “She was banging and screaming in the cells, banging her head against the cell walls.”

A police officer went in to intervene and stop her from injuring herself.

This was when Stewart assaulted the officer by kicking him in the groin and laughing as he fell to the floor.

She then shouted, ‘is that all you have got’.

Mr Earl told the courts that the defendant had a previous criminal record which amounted to seven previous offences, the last dating back to 2006.

Defending, Mark lever said: “This is someone who suffers with border line personality disorder.”

Concluding the hearing, chair of the bench Karen Drury handed Stewart, of Grange Moor, Runcorn, a 12-month community order.

She was ordered to carry out 15 rehabilitation requirement days and have an alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement for 80 days.

Compensation was also rewarded to the police officer of £200 and to the member of the public of £100.