George Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain will be going all out to make inroads in Widnes and Halewood at this week’s election, with its candidate pledging to fight for free crossings over the Mersey Gateway bridge.

Voters head to the polls on Thursday, July 4 in the new Parliamentary seat as six candidates go head-to-head. Labour, Lib Dem, Conservative, Green and Reform UK will also be contesting the seat.

Michael Murphy is the candidate for the Workers Party of Britain.  The party was founded in 2019 by former Labour MP George Galloway, who was himself re-elected to Parliament in February this year following a by-election in Rochdale.

Writing on the party's website, Mr Murphy said: "My goal is to return the country to the people, end capitalism, and eliminate corruption within the current system.

"I aim to provide the people of Halewood and Widnes with free crossing over the Runcorn bridge."

He added: "I want to restore the NHS to its former glory and ensure that football clubs are 50 per cent supporter-owned, taking them back from foreign entities.

"I plan to renationalise utilities and return services to public ownership to ensure transparency and accountability. I also aim to return the unions back to the people and out of the hands of the corporate entities they currently protect."

The party’s manifesto includes withdrawal from NATO, rebuilding British industry and universal or cheap access to integrated transport and all essential amenities.

The Widnes and Halewood parliamentary seat is brand new and includes Widnes, Halewood, Cronton and parts of Whiston. It follows a national shakeup of boundaries which has seen the Halton ward phased out. Runcorn residents will vote in the new seat of Runcorn and Helsby.

A full list of candidates can be found here.

Polling day takes place on Thursday, July 4, and voters must take photo ID to the polling station. A full list of acceptable ID can be found here.

A list of local polling stations can be found here.