THE discovery of a Widnes man’s phone hidden in his kitchen brought his drug dealing to an end.

Jamie Makovecz had been dealing drugs in Widnes between January 4 and April 23 this year.

His illegal activity came to an end however once Cheshire Police identified a mobile phone which was involved in county lines drug supply in the Widnes area.

Officers were able to link this to the 29-year-old and executed a warrant at his address in Levens Way on April 23.

During the raid, officers recovered the mobile under a kickboard in the kitchen and confirmed its links to the county lines supply of controlled drugs.

The battery and sim card were missing, however a further search of the address found the battery.

Police also recovered and two more mobile phones and a set of digital scales, with Makovecz subsequently arrested on suspicion of dealing drugs.

White residue on the digital scales was forensically examined and confirmed as class A drugs.

The defendant was later charged with and admitted being concerned in the supply of heroin and crack cocaine.

Appearing before Liverpool Crown Court on Wednesday, he was sentenced to 30 months immediate imprisonment.

The sentence was welcomed by DC Luke Burns, who said: “We are continuing to disrupt the supply of illegal drugs into Widnes and make life difficult for those who are selling heroin and crack cocaine within our communities.

“We will not stop and are determined to continue finding those responsible for destroying the lives of those addicted to drugs, and the wider community, which is impacted so negatively by those who are hooked on these drugs.”