TEENAGERS from Widnes have joined together to help fundraise more than £30k for a ‘once in a lifetime’ trip to Kenya.

A group of pupils from Ormiston Chadwick Academy, on Liverpool Road, will be taking part in an expedition to Africa next year, organised by Camps International.

The trip will see students stay in Kenya for four weeks, living in traditional housing and tents, to help improve education standards in rural districts of the country.

Students will be involved in building and maintaining schools and fresh water facilities, working with local farmers and worming goats.

Then, they will move on to an animal conservation to help build elephant deterrents and working with local communities to use dung to make paper.

Finally, before returning home, the teens will take part in beach clean-up projects.

The teenagers have been trying different methods to help raise the moneyThe teenagers have been trying different methods to help raise the money (Image: Supplied)

To be able to go on the trip, each teenager must raise £4,330 to afford flights, food and travel insurance.

Instead of working on the huge task alone, a group of seven pupils decided to help each other raise the staggering combined total of £30,310.

Maggie Coffey, Jake Rigby, Harry Quinn, Kian Lepts, Jack Morgan, Georgia Whitfiled and Annabelle Welsh are all in either year 9 or year 10 at the Widnes school and have been organising a number of different fundraisers.

“The children have been working as a team, which has been lovely to see their friendship group blossom” said Joanne Welsh, mum of Annabelle.

“Although they all attend the same school, the children didn’t really know each other three months ago but they are the best of friends now and all have different strengths.

“They are becoming more and more confident the more they work with each other.”

The group will soon be taking on a hike up SnowdonThe group will soon be taking on a hike up Snowdon (Image: Supplied)

To raise the funds, the group have put bucket collections at the Widnes Vikings game, held community prize bingo at Widnes rugby union club, and run a tuck shop in school breaks.

On June 29, the group will also be climbing Snowdon, sponsored by Simms Cross Pub.

The group have been diving the amount they have collected equally between them, with each teenager so far raising £1,000 each.

As well as their in person efforts, the teens also have a Go Fund Me page, which has a target of £200.

“I am extremely proud of what the children have achieved so far, and seeing them grow in confidence, building a great close friendship making memories along the way,” said Joanne.

“This is a once in a lifetime trip and experience that we are privileged as parents to be a part of, giving our children this incredible opportunity.

“They have worked so hard, and I am incredibly proud of them all.”