The Reform UK candidate for Runcorn and Helsby says he wants to bring back jobs and community investment if he is successful at the general election.

Seven candidates are going head-to-head in the election which is pencilled in for July 4, with Conservatives, Reform UK, Greens, Lib Dems, Labour, SDP and Liberal Party all vying for the new seat.

Reform UK’s candidate is Jason Moorcroft, an IT professional who currently sits as a town councillor on Frodsham Town Council. He said he entered politics last year after becoming disillusioned with the situation both locally and nationally with all the political parties.

He said: “I liked parts of each of the party manifestos but I’d lost trust that Parliament as a whole truly cared for me, my family, my friends, our community, and our country.”

Born in Chester in 1971 he moved to Frodsham when he was six and is married with a daughter.

He studied at Frodsham High School and went on to work IT at Kawneer in Runcorn before moving to ICI, a place he described as being ‘like family’.

He said he decided to enter politics because he wanted to make a difference.

“After some thought and family discussions the decision was made. If our politicians couldn’t see the decline in our lives, then I was going to try and make the difference.”

He said: “Reform UK had the most common-sense views of all and was pleased when offered to run in the local elections. In 2023, I joined Frodsham Town Council where I am still a serving councillor.”

He added: “I have plans to re-energise Runcorn back to the prosperous and employment hub it once was bringing back jobs, money and community investment. The benefits will be felt in high streets, the medical facilities, educational facilities and local businesses.

“Also, long forgotten Frodsham and Helsby will be the gateway to Cheshire preserving the green belts we all cherish.”

He said: “To achieve this I need a mandate from the people on election day. In the new year I will be travelling around the constituency campaigning for the good things to come.”

A list of candidates can be found here.


Voters will have to bring photo ID with them on the day. A list of acceptable ID can be found here.