A POLICE officer was assaulted after interrupting a drug deal in Runcorn over the weekend.

The officer was on patrol in the Hallwood Park area when they spotted a suspected drug deal involving two men.

One of the suspects handed over a bag of white powder before trying to flea with force, leading to the officer restraining him using incapacitant spray.

Cheshire Police has thanked a member of the public who stopped and offered to help.

The force’s Halton Lea Police team said: “On Saturday night, your local beat officer was conducting a patrol of the Hallwood Park area.

“It was believed a possible drug deal was witnessed and the officer has stopped two men.

“One of them was detained for a search and handed over a bag of white powder before attempting to escape with force.

“During this, he assaulted the police officer and was then sprayed with captor and restrained before being arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker, obstructing police and possession of class A controlled drug.

“I would like to thank an unknown member of the public who stopped their vehicle and offered assistance to the police officer while struggling with the suspect.

“To the residents of Halton Lea and Runcorn, we will continue to target these individuals who think it is acceptable to buy or sell controlled drugs and then assault our police officers conducting their duties to make our communities safe.”