A CAR crashed into a bush.

Officers in Halton Brook have arrested a driver after they came off the road at a busy motorway junction.

Police say the driver was "lucky" not to suffer any injuries.

Sharing the news on Facebook, PCSO Paul Barker said: "My first job this morning (June 2) was assisting with the recovery of the picture vehicle - firmly embedded on the safety rail above a busy motorway junction.

"This picture perfectly shows what can happen when you don't pay attention to one or more of the fatal five - speeding, careless driving, driving distracted whilst using a mobile phone, drink or drug driving, and not wearing a seatbelt.

"The driver of this vehicle was incredibly lucky to walk away - to the back of our police van - after allegedly doing four of the above.

"Please drive safely."

Cheshire Police have been contacted for more information.