In the run-up to the general election on July 4, you may see advertising from political candidates and political parties who wish to use our news title to communicate their messages to our local communities.

As a multimedia publisher, this can take the form of advertising on our website.  

In all cases, they are clearly marked as “Party Political Advertising”.

While you may not agree with the policies of some parties, in an open democracy we believe it is important to accept advertising from all election candidates.   

In running political advertising, we make no endorsement of any political policy, party or candidates, who are all offered the same terms.  

It would be inconsistent if we were in favour of free speech, but only selectively.

Ultimately it is for you as the electorate to pass judgment on the candidates, not us. 

Our role in the electoral process is to try and assist you in making your own fully informed decision on how to vote.