A CRIMINAL has been locked up for using his home to store drugs which flooded into Runcorn from Liverpool.

Between March and May 2022, David Morgan used his home address to store drugs, which were brought in from the city, and was involved in street dealing in the town.

The 49-year-old’s involvement in the drugs operation was established when plain clothed officers from Cheshire Police witnessed a drug deal between two men on The Glen in Runcorn on March 14, 2022.

Two wraps of crack cocaine were recovered from the buyer, and Morgan’s DNA was later found to be on the wraps of drugs.

Further enquiries linked the defendant’s phone to a county line phone located in Liverpool, while messages cemented his involvement in the operation.

Arrest attempts were made at Morgan's home address on The Knoll in May 2022, where a wrap of crack cocaine, selection of weapons and dealer tick lists were recovered.

When interviewed by police, Morgan denied any involvement in the offences put to him, but thanks to evidence gathered by officers, he was subsequently charged.

He appeared before Chester Crown Court on Wednesday, having previously pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of heroin and crack cocaine.

Here, he was sentenced to 12 months immediate imprisonment by recorder Ciaran Rankin.

The sentence was welcomed by PC Stuart Beswick, of Cheshire Police, who said: “Morgan was a key part of a county lines drug dealing operation bringing crack cocaine and heroin to the streets of Runcorn.

“He openly carried out his business on The Glen in Runcorn with no regard for the effects drug dealing has on the local community.

“I am grateful that Morgan is now serving a custodial sentence for his actions.

“Runcorn has a team of dedicated proactive police officers and will continue to target drug dealers who bring misery to the community.

“If anyone has information in relation to drug dealing, Cheshire Police can be contacted online at cheshire.police.uk/tell-us or by calling 101, or anonymously via Crimestoppers.”