AN inquest has been opened exploring the death of a young Widnes woman.

Alicia Jane Widlof died at her home in the Hough Green area of the town on December 19, aged just 24.

Her inquest was formally opened at Warrington Coroner’s Court on Wednesday, before being adjourned to later this year.

The court heard how Ms Widlof had an ‘extensive medical history’ and was found unresponsive at home by her family.

A coroner officer stated that the reason for an inquest being requested was due to an ‘unnatural’ cause of death being identified following a post-mortem examination.

Ms Widlof’s identification was confirmed by her mother to a police constable on December 19, the court heard.

After hearing the brief circumstances of the death, Elizabeth Wheeler, assistant coroner for Cheshire, said: “On the evidence I have heard, I am satisfied that the case of Alicia Jane Widlof requires an inquest.

“I therefore open and adjourn the inquest, which will be heard on May 19.”