ALMOST 150 jobs could be created if plans for roadside services with drive-thru McDonald's and petrol station are given the green light.

Leeds-based Impero Development Management LTD has submitted an application to Halton Borough Council for a development on land off Rocksavage Roundabout between the A557 Weston Point Expressway and Weaver View in Runcorn, adjacent to Junction 12 of the M56.

If approved, it would see the construction of a drive-thru McDonald's employing 120 staff, as well as a service station and shop which would see the creation of a further 25 jobs. Documents submitted with the plans say 100 of the jobs would be full time, with the rest part time roles. The site would operate 24-hours-a-day.  The plans also include parking and improved access.

A design and access statement submitted to Halton's planning department in support of the proposals, said: “The position of this site makes it a perfect choice for a roadside uses scheme, comprising a petrol filling station and fast food drive thru."

The site is currently partly developed as a wood yard and storage facility, with the remainder being agricultural grazing land. There are currently a number of temporary storage buildings dotted around the site.

In addition to the drive-thru and service station, there would also be an ATM and electricity substation, as well as charging for electric vehicles. The Design and Access Statement, added: "There is increase demand for electric car charging facilities nationally, the provision of these facilities will be welcome.

"The design has allowed significant future expansion of this facility when  network capacity can be viably increased.”

It added: "The existing site access will be used but improved for the increased traffic of the proposed development.

"This access position and the gradient of the site have influenced the position of the road through the site."

A pre application for the site was previously made but later withdrawn.

The new plans can be viewed on the council's online planning site under the reference: 23/00018/FUL.