LAST week, we brought you the story of the collapse of one of the cooling towers at Fiddler's Ferry.

It came down following a massive storm in January 1984.

The UK was hit by a massive storm with disruption seen across the country.

At Fiddler's Ferry, the early morning storm was so bad that a violent gust of wind hit the power station and one of its cooling towers was blown down.

Fred Hoskin has been in touch as he remembers the incident well.

He said: "My dad worked there and he was telling me that on the night it happened, one of the lads came into the room and said one of the cooling towers has just collapsed.


Fiddlers Ferry

Fiddlers Ferry


"He was laughed out of the room.

"I went into the power station the next day with my dad and took these pictures.

"There is one of the new tower being built in 1985."

The power station closed last year with decommissioning now under way.


Fiddlers Ferry

Fiddlers Ferry

Fiddlers Ferry

Fiddlers Ferry