ENTHUSIASTIC children are sharing their passion for Jane Eyre at a classic reading club – before school.

They debate politics after lessons, keep thinking journals and plan to edit their own newspaper and become radio producers.

It is all part of a new approach to inspire students at St Peter and Paul Catholic College in Widnes.

John Senior, specialist in academic challenge, was so impressed, he included it in his book, Extra Challenges for More Able Students.

Gill Corker, the college’s achievement consultant, was invited to explain how they uncover students’ aspirations at a national conference of 300 educational experts in London.

Ruth Powley, assistant head teacher, said: “We are cutting edge. We are getting back to the idea of loving learning.

“I want my students to have everything that they would get if they went to a private school in Surrey.

“These kids are bright but lack confidence.”

Around 50 pupils from each year have joined the intensive programme, aimed at stretching and challenging more able students.

Pupils track their own development and suggest ideas about how they want to learn.

Miss Powley added: “The response has been absolutely fantastic.

“I was thrilled when one girl set up a self support club to teach yourself Latin.

“She wants to study medicine and get familiar with the terminology.

“I want people to be amazed and blown away.”